Patient Payments. We process all patient payments including co-pays, deductible, non-covered services, or uninsured patients. These point of service (POS) payments received via Credit Cards, Cash or Checks are duly checked and captured.

Insurance Payment Posting – Manual. While many payers provide the EOBs in electronic formats, in some cases payments are received with manual EOBs. The Vairix Global team processes these payments with a high degree of accuracy a per the rules for adjustments, write-offs, and balance transfers, we have developed along with each facility/practice

Insurance Payment Posting – Electronic (ERA). Electronic Remittance Advice (ERAs) carry information about a large volume of payments. The ERA files are run in batches by our experienced team members and loaded into the revenue cycle systems. Any throw-outs are corrected diligently, and the batch totals are verified.

Denial Posting. Posting of claim denials is important to ensure that the rebilling to secondary insurance companies or transfer of the liability to the patient is Posting of Claim denial information or decisions can be taken on write-offs. These denials received in ANSI formats are processed as per policies defined along with the customer.